Welcome to Investment-Clubs.com
In the past few years, investment clubs have enjoyed unprecedented growth in the United States. The number of clubs that are members of the National Association of Investors Corp. (NAIC) has tripled since 1993, in fact. That's not surprising -- investment clubs are a great way to learn about investing. Absolute beginners to the stock market can join or form a club and develop a methodology for investing that will help them to secure financial success that will last a lifetime. Doug Gerlach is a leading expert on the investment club movement, helping to educate individuals on starting and running investment clubs, and uncovering the online tools you can use to make your club even more successful.
The following is a comprehensive collection of links, articles, tutorials, and other resources, from all across the world-wide web. If you're just getting started with investment clubs, or are already a member, you're bound to put these resources to good use. Here are some useful starting points:
- Start an Investment Club -- Want to start an investment club? Here's where you can start, with tips, checklists and advice on getting your new club off the ground.
- Run an Investment Club -- Are you a member of an existing investment club? Learn strategies for making your club more successful, and resolving problems within your club.
- Educate Your Investment Club -- The most important component of a successful club is education. Even if your club is made up of investing novices, you can all learn together. Here are the basics that can help your club understand the basics of investing in the stock market.
- Directory of State Agencies (NEW!) -- Make sure your club understands the filing and tax requirements for clubs in your state.
- Investment Club Brokerage Survey -- Find the online brokerage firm that's best for your club.
- Ask the Investment Club Expert -- Doug answers your questions about clubs and how to operate them.
- Investment Club Web Site Directory - Listings of other useful web sites in a number of categories
- Investment Clubs for Dummies Interested in starting an investment club? Or are you a member of an investment club that is in need of a revitalization? Investment Clubs for Dummies, by Douglas Gerlach and Angele McQuade, was published in December 2001 by Hungry Minds as part of their enormously successful "Dummies" series. Here's just the book to give you the insight and the motivation you need to get your club off the ground.
- SSG Tutorial -- Want to learn how to invest? The Stock Selection Guide is the tool most used by investment clubs to analyze stocks, and Doug's easy-to-understand tutorial has been helping clubs and investors for more than six years.