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Letterboxing Links » Stamp Carving » Erasers & Carving Material
Soft Block Carving Material
| STAMPEAZ PZ Kut, an inexpensive pure white vinyl carving block that is firm, smooth and creamy, and does not crumble. Order from April Pease's STAMPEAZ
| Nasco Safety Kut. White, 3/8" thick, in a wide variety of sizes. |
| Nasco Softoleum is the same as Safety-Kut but thinner (only 1/4" thick) |
 | Staedtler® Mars Plastic Erasers. White. These are widely available and preferred by many carvers. However, the "Grand" size can be hard to find. Order from OfficeDepot.com |
| Staedtler® Mastercarve, a soft vinyl material that cuts "like butter", yet holds small details and fine lines without breaking off or crumbling. You can easily transfer your own designs. Five sizes are available. |
| Speedball Speedy-Stamp, pink, 1/4" thick, available in various sizes, easily picks up ink from printed or drawn designs. |
| Speedball Speedy-Cut, white, 1/2" inch thick, very crumbly.
|  | Sanford® Pink Pearl® Nonabrasive Erasers, Large. These are the kind you used in grade school. Might be too crumbly for your taste, though some carvers prefer them. Good for practicing. Order from OfficeDepot.com |
 | Dixon® Pink Eraser. Large. Another variety of eraser, similar to the Pink Pearl. Order from OfficeDepot.com |
 | Eberhard Faber Art Gum® Eraser. Available in art and office supply stores, but generally too crumbly to carve easily. Order from OfficeDepot.com |
  | Sanford® Vinyl Magic Rub® Erasers. White, 1" x 2 1/4", white with black printing on one side.
Order from OfficeDepot.com
| White vinyl erasers, usually about 2 1/2" x 3/4" x 1/2". Available at office supply stores, discount stores and art supply stores. While these may seem inexpensive (a buck for a two-pack), it's usually much more cost effective to buy a sheet of any soft block material. |
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