"The cloning experiment in the summer movie, Multiplicity, starring Michael Keaton, Michael Keaton, and Michael Keaton, can't help but bring Douglas Gerlach to mind. That's because to create Investorama, his packed investment directory on the Internet, Mr. Gerlach must have cloned himself. How else could he have compiled and annotated more than 2,000 investment links, penned common-sense advice for novices, and find time to answer his readers' many arcane questions? It's a place where almost anyone, regardless of their degree of sophistication, can find much needed information about investing."
- Individual Investor, October 1996
Upcoming Appearances
As a recognized authority on online investing, Douglas Gerlach has helped hundreds of thousands of people get started on the road to financial freedom. A true Internet pioneer, Gerlach founded one of the earliest financial Web sites, Investorama.com, in 1995. Through the years, Gerlach has maintained his commitment to making personal finance accessible to everyday folk, through Web sites, books, magazine articles, media appearances, and speaking engagements.
Gerlach is closely involved with the National Association of Investors Corporation (NAIC), the leading non-profit organization committed to investment clubs and investment education. He is the co-creator and consulting editor of the NAIC Web site, and served on the NAIC Computer Group's Board of Directors from 1995 to 2004. In 1996, Gerlach received the Distinguished Service Award (also known as the Dutch Shoes Award) from the NAIC's Investment Education Institute in recognition of his pioneering efforts using the online medium to teach people how to invest in the stock market. This prestigious award, typically given for lifetime achievement, is an indicator of the impact that the Internet has had on NAIC's outreach to investors and of Doug's role in those efforts.
Among Gerlach's Web site credits are Investment-Clubs.com, a clearinghouse for investment club information; DRIPCentral.com, a resource for direct investing; and ArmchairMillionaire.com, a site committed to teaching "common sense saving and investing" strategies. As a regular contributor on the topic of personal investing, Gerlach's articles have appeared in many financial and technology publications, and he is the author of several financial books. Doug was Consulting Editor (Online Investing) for Mutual Funds Magazine Magazine before it ceased publication in 2002. He is currently the President of ICLUBcentral Inc., the market leader in investment club accounting software and web sites. ICLUBcentral also makes several programs for fundamental stock analysis and screening for BetterInvesting (formerly NAIC), including Investor's Toolkit, Stock Analyst, Classic Plus, Stock Prospector and Take Stock (whew!). His most recent project is the development of the all-new Club Accounting 3 for Windows, released in June 2005 to great acclaim by club treasurers across the country. He is also Editor-in-Chief of ICLUBcentral's Investor Advisory Service, a market-beating investing newsletter published since 1973.
Gerlach has been a member of the world's first online investment club, the Pioneer OnLine Investment Club, since 1994, serving two terms as its President. He also founded the Blue Chip Posse investment club in 1993 in New York City.
Widely quoted in the mainstream press, Gerlach is a regular speaker on the topic of online investing, and has spoken at conferences and Investors Fairs from Honolulu to Berlin. He has been featured in many television and radio programs, as well as in many publications, including CNNfn's Digital Jam, Extra Help Channel's "In The Money," ZDTV's "The Money Machine," The Wall Street Journal, ComputerWorld, HomePC, Barron's, New York Magazine, Los Angeles Business Review, Fidelity Focus, and The St. Petersburg Times, among other publications. He was the host of Worth Online's "Conference Call," and was a recurring guest on the Tech TV network's "The Money Machine" and Yahoo! FinanceVision.
Doug singlehandedly created Investorama.com way back in 1995, and the site was acclaimed by the mainstream, financial and computer press as an excellent starting point for investors searching for information on the Internet. It has been named one of the Top 100 Sites of 1996 by Your Personal Net, a Magellan 4-Star Site, MSN Site of the Week, an InfoSeek Select Site, a Worth Online Web Site of the Week, a USA Today Hot Site and one of Point Survey's Top 5% of the Web. It has been recommended in the books The World-Wide Web Top 1000, The Online Guide to Personal Finance & Investing, The Worth Guide to Electronic Investing, Point & Click Investor, The Savvy Investor's Internet Resource, Personal Finance on the Web, Mutual Fund Investing on the Internet, Net Money, among many others.
Accolades for Doug Gerlach and Investorama.com have appeared in Worth, Barron's, Individual Investor, BusinessWeek, Money Magazine, The Economist, Net Guide, The Net, Your Money, Computer Life, US News & World Report, Fortune, ComputerWorld, Inter@ctive Week, Information Week, Better Investing, BITS, Yahoo! Internet Life, Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition, New York Times, New York Post, New York Newsday, New York Magazine, USA Today, Chicago Tribune, Dallas Morning News, Atlanta Journal Constitution, Orange County Register, St. Petersburg Times, Idaho Statesman, Milwaukee Journal, Detroit News, and Toronto Globe and Mail (to name a few).
You can find Doug's biography in Marquis "Who's Who in America".